To use the draw pages for your association, firstly select the competition, and press "Submit".
The page that appears will have 2 sections on it. The top section are the draw numbers. The top row are the round dates, and below is a list of numbers. Each match is listed something like this: 5 V 3. What this means is that the team listed as number 5 plays the team listed as number 3.
In the above example, the team listed as number 5 is the home team. The match gets played at their location.
The second section contains all the teams for the selected competition. It is displayed 3 sections per row, and ordered by the Competition then Section.
The names and numbers are listed like this:
The first number is the draw number. This references to the table at the top of the page.
The next bit of information is the Club and Team name.
The start time for the match comes after the teams.
The letter on the end is the Location letter. (This is used when a club has more then one location that they play at.
You can view the court location of the team by clicking on the Club name. A window will appear with the location details, and the club phone if one has been entered.
If you want to download a printable draw, once you've selected the competition, and have the draw displayed, at the bottom of the page is a link to download a PDF of the draw.
For the personalised draws, firstly select the club, and press Submit. You will be taken to a page listing the teams, ordered by the Competitions. Select the team. A PDF of the draw will be generated for you listing each round, the team your playing, and the court location. Depending on the number of rounds, this may go over 2 - 3 pages.
You will need the Acrobat PDF reader (which is free, and downloadable from: if you don't already have it).